BHDPC Planning Procedure

The Planning Process is as follows.
Planning Procedure
When you need planning permission:
- · to build something new
- · to make a major change to your building eg. Extension
- · to change a use of your property
The Planning Process
Step 1 – The Application
In the first instance, applicants (where required to under statutory planning guidance) must make application to Shropshire County Planning Authority. Although it is true that some alterations and extensions may not require planning consent and will be classified as Permitted Development, it is always advisable to contact Shropshire County Planning for advice and to avoid expensive errors, as each case is unique.
Step 2 – Notification
When a local planning authority receives a planning application it is a legal requirement to publicise it. Notices that can be seen by passers-by must be posted at the site and adjoining properties notified. For any applications for large developments there must also be a notice included in the local newspaper. We also recommend a small advert in the Bomere Heath Parish News (contact number 01939 290200).
Step 3 – Consultation
It is current practice that Shropshire County Council will advise neighbours with a common boundary to the site as well as the Parish Council and other organisations such as the Local Highways Authority, Severn Trent Water Authority, Natural England for wildlife issues and the Environment Agency.
Step 4 - The Parish Council (PC) Procedure
Shropshire County Council Planning Authority appoint a planning expert to oversee each planning application, ultimately it will be this department that will decide the outcome of every application. The role of the PC throughout the process is primarily to deliberate and to comment based on predetermined local matters of importance.
It is generally considered by the Planning Authority that Parish Councillors are geographically and socially closer to each development and therefore more in touch with the needs of the area, the sustainability of each project and its effect on the aesthetic, cultural and social growth of any development. The PC can facilitate representations at the PC monthly meetings and if deemed necessary will arrange site meetings. It is not uncommon for a planning decision to be made by the County Authority that goes against the deliberations and decisions of the PC. The final decision rests with the Planning Department..
Step 5 - Duration of the PC deliberations
The clerk to the PC will receive a notice of application and then the PC has 31 days to discuss and comment. Councillors are apprised immediately and can discuss and comment on it on the lead up to and during a monthly meeting. All councillors can access applications on the Planning Portal:
If such an application arrives shortly before a monthly meeting with insufficient time for deliberation, and if necessary, voting, then a short extension can be arranged. Please note that the Parish Council break for summer and don’t meet in August.
It is the PC’s position, that for any application received during this time for the PC to request an immediate without prejudice extension until September. This is particularly done with larger developments.
Step 6 – The Right to Representation
An applicant and any persons affected by the application may request to address the PC in order to support or object to it. Should you wish to address the Parish Council please contact the clerk via email: [email protected]
Please review our policy for more details