Advice: Foodbank,Debt,Benefit,etc

As the recession deepens, more people are losing their jobs and facing hardship. It is vital that people in Shropshire know where to get help.
The Shropshire Food Poverty Alliance has created resources for people and organizations in Shropshire to find advice and support:
Shropshire Larder ( - is the most comprehensive directory of services for people living in Shropshire on a low budget. It has information on:
how to access a foodbank or community food project,
how to eat well on a budget.
It also covers how to get support with benefits, housing, and debt.
Increasingly, there are local families that rely on support from foodbanks and these in turn rely on our donations. If you are able to help and wish to donate to the foodbank, you can do so in Bomere Heath at the Co-op. You can also donate on a Sunday at the Mission Church (Wale Room) or Leaton Church if you attend. You can find out more about the foodbank and how to help on their website and see what items are particularly in demand.
Facebook: @ShropshireLarder and @ShropFoodPov
Twitter: @ShropLarder and @ShropFoodPov